You never think that you will get everything done in those last few days; the ridiculous thing is that once you drive through the gates and leave you don’t care this and that never got done …it can wait and the world won’t stop turning.

The last week was a complete whirlwind of ever decreasing circles that was physically and mentally exhausting.
Forms to sign, people to see and hug (tightly) and kiss goodbye, bike items to order and chase in Canada, checking we can disassemble (and assemble!) our bikes with a minimum tool kit and a few probably props, 12 months of living and possessions to squeeze into 4 bags, and areas of our home to pack away for our house sitters.

Those last few days were such a blur that there was little time for emotion, whether that was dread or excitement or regret. Sure they occasionally crept in, those moments of “what the **** are we doing”, those wide faced grins when you image seeing a bear for the first time, and those pangs of deep rooted sadness when you drive away from the people you love the most.
Even the flight over to Canada was pretty emotionless, as though it was a mundane task.
And then as we flew into Vancouver we looked out the window and saw snow speckled mountains and we realised that we were going “that way” and the emotion exploded.

So here we are in Canada, at the start line…
Wide eyed
Full of expectations
And very wet behind the ears!
